Yes... it's getting to be that time of year again! Time to gear up for the holidays! Quite a few of the PieceMaker artists accept commissions & create wonderful custom pieces for clients. There's something wonderful about giving a custom, one of a kind gift... and you can do this AND support independent artists at the same time! What a win-win! :) Here are some of the wonderful artists creating custom work this holiday season. Order soon, and you'll be guaranteed delivery by Christmas!

Flowering Moon makes these beautiful mirrors, and will customize colors & wording for you. Click
here to see her etsy shop, and to send her any questions regarding orders.

Beaded Glass makes these cool, colorful mosaiced name or address sign / plaques. They can adorn your house, hang from a post in your yard or at the end of your driveway. Click
here to find out about pricing & to ask her any questions you might have!

PieceMaker artist, Amanda Edwards, creates custom large stained glass mosaic windows out of antique Maine farmhouse windows. Visit
her website to contact her regarding these cool custom pieces.