PieceMakers are getting into the Christmas Spirit, and are offering some GREAT deals to their shoppers!!! Check out these coupon codes & take advantage of the sales while they last!!!
Blue Wave Glass is offering 15% off your purchase in her Etsy Shop!! Sale ends December 20th. Enter coupon code: SAVE15 at checkout.


Use Coupon Code: hohoho2011
This could translate into an $800 savings on some pieces!!!!
Seaside Glassworks is offering FREE SHIPPING up until Christmas! Enter coupon code: holidays11 at checkout! (note: custom work will not be completed until after Christmas)


At Tina's Mosaics you can get 15% off your order total using Coupon Code 15OFF at checkout!


Greene Girls Studio is offering 10% off when you enter the coupon code JINGLES at checkout!


Get 15% off at Fischer Fine Arts when you use coupon code FFAPIECES!


Get 10% off, until December 23rd, in Flowering Moon's Shop, by entering coupon code 104HOLIDAY at checkout!

Happy Holidays, from the PieceMakers!


At Tina's Mosaics you can get 15% off your order total using Coupon Code 15OFF at checkout!


Greene Girls Studio is offering 10% off when you enter the coupon code JINGLES at checkout!


Get 15% off at Fischer Fine Arts when you use coupon code FFAPIECES!


Get 10% off, until December 23rd, in Flowering Moon's Shop, by entering coupon code 104HOLIDAY at checkout!

Happy Holidays, from the PieceMakers!