Welcome to our little World,
where we take all the little pieces of life, and turn them into some Spectacular Artwork!
We are a group of free spirits who enjoy sharing ideas. This is a peaceful and happy place, and you are welcome to join in!

Time is running out.....vote vote vote...

Okay my Piece Maker Mosaic friends.
we only have a few hours left to vote on the Challenge kickoff.
the winner will get Mandolin2's amazing mosaic....

The Drawing for the starter mosaic kit will take place tomorrow.
With the help of my in house Artist son Sammy. We will document
the drawing for the blog. All the names of any who have left
a comment on the blog up to this point will be entered. And if
you commented more than once, we will add your name for each comment
made. That will make it more fun and.....the winner will be announced
for both Prizes tomorrow 1-08-09.